
Artist: Subrata Das
Size: 24" x 24"

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About Artist

Born :

Born in Calcutta, Subrata Das had done a foundation course from College of Visual Arts under the tutelage of Shuvaprasanna Bhattacharya. Having won accolades in exhibitions like the Gold Medal in Avantika International Art Exhibition, 2003, and certificates of merit and appreciation in the Annual Challenge Trophy, Emerald Isle Gallery, Kolkata and All India Youth Art Exhibition, Subrata’s works are well sought after for decorating homes and office spaces because of the positivity it exudes.

The works of Subrata Das exudes his poetic imagination and his deep interest in depicting characters from the Indian mythology. His current series focuses on the divine love of Radha Krishna and is traditional and ethnic with a touch of the modern. His medium is acrylic on canvas and mixed media with semi-realistic and expressive imagery.

A reflection of notions of the aesthetic beauty in Bengal can also be seen in a series of paintings done by Subrata Das where he depicts Bengali women. His art shows Bengali women in sarees wore in the traditional Bengali style with a calm smile on their faces, adorned in shringar and vermillion which is slightly smudged. The backgrounds of these paintings sometimes have goddess Durga, showing the fortitude of these women beneath their calm selves. These paintings of Bengali femininity are as sought after as his portrayals of Radha-Krishna, and his paintings adorn the walls of the famous and have been exhibited across India and abroad.

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24" x 24"


Acrylic on Canvas


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