Born : 1929 - 2013

Born in Barisal, Bangladesh, he attended and graduated from the prestigious Government College of Art and Craft, Kolkata. After that, he took up a job at the U.S.I.S., Kolkata

He was an exemplarily impeccable printmaker, where he initially curated a series of paintings portraying birds; and subsequently, portrayal of sensuous women formed an integral part of his artworks. His initial watercolour paintings are realistic, and after that, he decided to give his artworks, a new dimension; the themes of his artworks transformed its depiction from realistic to rather embellished themes. He experimented into varied avenues of art and the series of experimental paintings are suggestive of the artist’s uniqueness.

He was a founder member of the Society of Contemporary Artists, Kolkata

His artworks are part of the permanent collection of the Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi; the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi; the Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata.


(i) Print Biennales in Cuba, Australia and Europe.

(ii) 1978, 1979, 1980, 1984 – ‘Inter Grafik’, East Germany.

(iii) 1980 – ‘All India Graphic Show’, Chandigarh; 1986 – 6th Triennale, India; 1996 – ‘Harmony’, Nehru Centre, Mumbai; 2009 – Annual Exhibition, La-Mere, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Kolkata.

(iv) 1988 to 1990 – ‘Art for Cry’, a travelling exhibition in India; 1992 – Contemporary Miniature Print Show, New Delhi and Kolkata.

(v) 1990 – ‘Calcutta Through the Eyes of Painters’, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata; 1993 – ‘Wounds’, CIMA, Kolkata; 1997 – ‘50 Years of Indian Independence’, Chitrakoot Art Gallery, Kolkata; 2005 – ‘The Tempera’, organized by Akar Prakar, at the ITC Sonar, Kolkata

(vi) Solos : 1993 – ‘Retrospective’, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata; 1999 – Exposition of Graphics and launch of a Folio containing 20 works, Chitrakoot Art Gallery, Kolkata; 1999 – Exposition of Graphics, Mumbai and New Delhi; 2007 – Chitrakoot Art Gallery, Kolkata; 2008 – Dhoomimal Art Centre, New Delhi; 2008 – ‘Imprints off a Sensitive Soul: The Art of Amitabha Banerjee’, Akar Prakar, Kolkata.

He had several shows in all the major cities of India, Europe, Canada and the USA.

Awards & Honours

1975 – All India Fine Arts and Craft Society (AIFACS) Award

1978 – The Birla Academy of Art and Culture Award, Kolkata

1981 – The Lalit Kala Akademi National Award

2007 – ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ by the Government of West Bengal.


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